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Name: http

Status: Stable

The HTTP handler uses the standard HTTP proxy protocol to exchange data, receiving and processing HTTP requests from clients.

gost -L http://:8080
- name: service-0
  addr: ":8080"
    type: http
        foo: bar
    type: tcp


readTimeout (time.Duration, default=15s):
Specifies the timeout duration for reading from the client.
header (map)
Custom HTTP response headers.
keepalive (bool):
Whether to keep the connection alive after the request is completed. Set to true to enable persistent connections.
compression (bool):
Enables HTTP response compression (gzip). Set to true to enable compression.
probeResist (string)
Configuration for probe resistance. This includes an optional "knock" setting to enhance security by preventing unwanted probes.
knock (string)
Configures the probe resistance knock behavior, which can be useful for additional protection against unwanted probes or attacks.
udp (bool, default=false)
Whether to enable UDP forwarding. If set to true, the handler will forward UDP traffic in addition to HTTP.
authBasicRealm (string):
Basic authentication realm. Defines the realm for HTTP basic authentication.
proxyAgent (string, default="gost/3.0"):
The User-Agent string sent by the HTTP handler. Defaults to gost/3.0.
observePeriod (time.Duration, default=5s):
The period between traffic observation checks. By default, it is set to 5 seconds.
observer.resetTraffic (bool):
Whether to reset traffic data during observation. This helps in clearing traffic counters after a specific period.
sniffing (bool):
Enable packet sniffing to capture HTTP/S traffic and analyze it. Set true to activate.
sniffing.timeout (time.Duration):
Timeout for sniffing operations.
sniffing.websocket (bool):
Whether to sniff WebSocket traffic in addition to regular HTTP.
sniffing.websocket.sampleRate (float64):
Sample rate for WebSocket sniffing. This controls the frequency of WebSocket packet captures.
mitmBypass (bypass.Bypass):
Configuration to bypass MITM interception for specific traffic.
limiterRefreshInterval (time.Duration):
Defines the refresh interval for the rate limiter.
limiterCleanupInterval (time.Duration):
Defines the cleanup interval for expired rate limiter entries.